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For room bookings please contact Inner Space on 07802 744894 or email
Directions:Inner Space is at Maude Gray Court St Benedict's Street Norwich NR2 4PA. |
From bus station: (10-15 minute walk as below or get a taxi)
- Turn left onto Surrey Street
- Turn right onto St Stephens Street
- Cross over to M & S and then to Debenhams
- Turn Right onto Gentleman's Walk (the main pedestrian area)
- Carry on walking to the end, past Jarrolds.
- Turn Left at the bottom of Exchange Street
- You are then on St Andrews St which leads into St Benedict's St
- Turn right between Meridian East and Arcadia hairdressers (opposite Cookes Band Instruments)
- This is Maude Gray Court and Inner Space is in the right hand corner
From Train station: (15 - 20 minute walk or get a taxi)
- Exit by the main gate
- Cross both roads over to the Compleat Angler pub and walk to the next junction (about 5 minutes)
- Continue until you walk past a large red brick building with green and black turrets
- Turn right here onto Bank Plain
- Follow the road round onto Redwell Street and then St Andrews St (I suggest crossing over to the other side at the pedestrian lights outside Jackson, Stops and Staff Estate Agents)
- Keep going - St Andrews St leads into St Benedict's St
- Turn right between Meridian East and Arcadia hairdressers opposite Cookes Band Shop (black oval sign with picture of guitarist)
- This is Maude Gray Court and Inner Space is in the right hand corner
By road
The cheapest and most ecological way to come by road is to use one of the many park and ride facilities and follow the directions from the bus station. Parking in the city centre can be expensive.
Please note that parking is not available for Inner Space users as the court is reserved for residents.
Unauthorised vehicles may be clamped.
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